GAT Phoenix | Elizabeth H Testimony

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I entered a room in a nursing home and spoke with 3 elderly women. 2 of the the women where laying in bed and one was in a wheel chair. They all prayed the prayer of rededication. One woman who was 91 yrs old told me that she was in there for rehab after having open heart surgery. We talked and I told her that I was a cardiothorasic surgical nurse and that my expertise was heart transplant and open-heart surgery. We spoke about the fact that it was a miracle that she had the surgery. This is because most surgeons would not do open-heart surgery on someone that was 91 years of age. I told her how important it was that she looked at each day post surgery as a gift from God. I explained to her that my father had open-heart surgery post heart attack when I was 18 years old and how I had assumed that he was healed I shared with them that one of the gifts that God had given me was to remember how just how precious the time we have with others is and to not take it for granted. I then reminded them that God wants us to reach out to the lost. When I left they were all “fired up about God and what He had called them to do in that facility.”

Elizabeth H
Mango Florida United States