Rodney Howard Browne – Sadi M. and Debbie Jackson J. Testimony

Sadi M.

Pekerol III Just led a cashier at Walmart to the Lord, the whole time she could not get the gift card machine to add money to it from my bank card, the whole time as we prayed the soul winning script, Imagine that she kept on sliding the card many times they all failed and I kept praying then when we were done with praying it worked hallelujah Glory to God!!! – Great Awakening Tours

Debbie Jackson J.

My husband and I re-dedicated our lives and he was baptized in the Holy Spirit during the Sunday night service. I have prayed for him to experience the fire for a long time. Praise God! My 76 yr old Mother was with us and had a blood vessel burst in her eye earlier in the week and the Doctor said it would take 2-3 months to heal. Pastor Rodney Howard Browne prayed and touched Mom and her eye is so much better. We believe for a full healing on Gods time table not Man!!! Plant City, FL – Rodney Howard Brown.