We Are Assured By God by Rodney Howard Browne

Each one of us fall into one of 4 categories : – We are saved and we think we know it. – We think we are saved, but we are not. – We don’t claim to be saved. – we aren’t saved but would like to be. In which class do you find yourself? Pastor Rodney Howard Browne teaches that deliverance is God’s deliverance of the follower – through Christ – from all the results of sin.

It is God’s work in the human heart, and it’s accompanied by all of the benefits He bestows on us now and forever. Rodney Howard Browne explains that we want to know for sure where we are going to spend perpetuity. That certainty is available to almost every one of us. Do you have that sort of assurance? If you aren’t assured that you have eternal deliverance, I urge you to settle this most vital call of your life at this time. First, realize that God desires to save everybody ( one Timothy 2:4 ). Not only does He need to save everyone, but He also provided the way to deliverance thru His Son ( John 3:16 ) : He has informed us we must believe in Jesus Christ ( Acts 16:31 ), and we must confess Him before men ( Romans 10:10 ). Our heavenly Father is steadfast to keep His guarantees. If you trust in Jesus Christ as your private Savior, he’ll save you from your sin and and welcome you into his folks ( John1:12 ) – without regard to deserve or worth on your side. Eternal life will be yours. Rodney Howard Browne teaches that He offers this present openly to all who believe in His Son. Will you receive it? One thing more.