Matters of the Heart | Margarita Jones Testimony

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God even did warn them they still insisted that’s what they wanted. The Children of Israel rather follow after a man than to follow God Almighty’s leading, their choice caused them a lot of problems. One wrong decision can bring a lot of pain and heart ache and the anointing of God will lift off of your life.

We’re commanded in the Bible to respect Authorities and Leaders who are over us and that is not a suggestion. However God does want us to have sweet communion with him [relate to him] as our Father and depend on him for divine direction in everything and allowing the Holy Spirit to be our guide. God loves us, men make mistakes but God doesn’t. Men fail, but God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit never fail.

When we stay humble in our hearts and seek God and not a title or ministry God will bring us out in his timing. God wants us to be in relationship with him. In the mean time as we develop our relationship with him he’s doing a work in us that will help us to mortify the deeds of the flesh and, to walk in integrity, and remain faithful to him in where ever we are. Enjoying where you are on the way to where you are going.

We renew our minds daily by reading the Word of God, and affirming it in our lives by declaring it over ourselves. Praying is like a 2 way radio you talk and you listen.

David refused to take matters into his own hands and kill Saul when he had the opportunity, instead be trusted in God to vindicate him. David showed only respect and integrity toward King Saul. King Saul was his enemy and was seeking to kill David. David remained humble in heart and God in his timing vindicated David. When we go through stuff we become stronger if we keep our hearts right, and continue to walk in integrity, even when others would like to see you dead.