Rodney Howard Browne – Eric T. Testimony

God is good and has been good. This whole camp meeting experience has put the pieces of the puzzle of my scrambled past together. Although my past wasn’t the best that I had to offer myself in life, what the enemy intended for evil, the Lord turned around for my good. Some things never made sense to me in any shape, form, or fashion until now. In the 90’s my mother tried her best to have her children around the things of God but unfortunately most churches were dry and needed watering themselves.

The church my mother finally adopted brought you the word of God but lacked the move of the Spirit; and everybody knows that seed can’t grow without water, as well as all water can’t produce seed, but in all actual fact it’s a balance of the two. Well for years I experienced the word of God and no movement of the Spirit of God until 1993 whencame to Lakeland, Florida and demonstrated the power of God with the Word of God hand in hand. I got baptized there in a large pool in the middle of the church when the Spirit of God put me under the water and brought up a new creation.

The problem came about when the revival was over and there was no more water for those dry times in life and no one to explain the baptism of the Holy Spirit, the word of God, or anything that pertained to the things of God so I was spiritually drying up. But then the Lord brought me to this oasis called The River while I was on a journey in this dreadful desert called life without God and for years I struggled with my flesh to answer that altar call, but when I did I was so refreshed, so free that I knew my life would never be the same and I know that everyone that has had a touch from God, that no matter what happens they will fulfill their call even to the point of being a martyr. I’m so thankful and grateful for my Pastor Rodney Howard Browne as well as the staff that work alongside them.  –Eric T.