Winter Camp Meeting 2010 | Needra Hawkins Testimony

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This past camp meeting was amazing! Every camp meeting has been life changing, but this particular camp meeting gave me a greater understanding for the anointing and fire of God and what role they play in my everyday life.

When first introduced to the fire of God, I understood that my purpose was to touch the lives of those around me; but it was during this past camp meeting that I came to an even greater understanding, that I am to walk in the fire of God and presence of God throughout my daily life; that the fire of God is here in my life to keep my attitude right; to love others; to be a good wife; to be a friend, etc.

I also noticed that during this camp meeting my attitude was changing (in a good way). My desire to please God began to increase. God began dealing with me about some issues that had been lying dormant and He allowed me to deal with them. When Pastor Rodney said that God told him to get the people under the anointing, I knew that I couldn’t end the week the same way!

It was during camp meeting that the reality of the full time ministry hit me! I know that God has called my husband and me into the ministry, but it was during camp meeting, under the anointing and in the presence of God that God revealed to me the necessity of leading a pure and holy life. It was during this camp meeting that God showed me through this purity and holy life that He has called us to, that lives are going to be changed and touched. I believe I have always known this before, but something special happened during winter camp meeting that made it all wonderfully real to me.

One of the greatest highlights of Winter Camp meeting were the nights we sang songs. It would be around 10:15pm and when you look up, it’s 12:30 or so in the morning! There were many nights that my husband and I were so full of the joy that we would stay up until 2:30 or 3, just talking about the things of God!

Revival truly does change lives. Leaving this camp meeting helped me see, that it doesn’t have to end when the week was done, but Revival can continue to live on the inside of me!